Principal Message  


Being the Principal of D A V Centenary Public School, SAIL, Kuteshwar, Katni (M P), I feel myself privileged. As, I am in the Nobel Profession of teaching since last three decades, I have experienced that "The school is a place where Human Values are nurtured along with the academic, moral and spiritual development of children". In D A V Public Schools, we allow our children to grow in Healthy and Happy atmosphere. It's our believe that 

"Plants are fashioned by Cultivation and Children by Education."

We emphasize to inculcate Social, Sacramental and Traditional Values among 'One & All', while adopting contemporary and modern pedagogies. As we know that 'Money comes and goes; but Morality comes and grows." 

security and ample opportunity for overall development. Children have the right to enjoy their childhood, make mistakes and learn from them. We should have supreme patience by nurturing and dealing with them with proper love and care. 

Being the first teacher of the school, I use to groom my entire team under '3Fs' policy i.e. 'Fearlessness', 'Friendliness' and 'Fairness' work culture for everyone. I believe in "Liberty to work, not liberty from work". We have been focusing to impart 'Cognitive Knowledge' because we kindle the passion for learning among our children. We think education is not only learning by rote and repeating it in the examination; our approach is students centered and goes beyond text books, class rooms and boundaries. Our students develop practical skills, enabling them to apply their learning to unfamiliar situations and think critically in different conditions. We prepare them for a lifelong success. 

The importance of education in life cannot be overstated. It shapes individuals in their formative years. It is well said: 

"If you are planing for a year, sow rice;

If you are planing for a decade, plant tree;

If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people."


In Swami Vivekanand's words

"Teachers are a nation's life blood. There is nothing more ennobling and enabling than the teaching profession."


I have come across through this noble journey that: 


Knowing is not enough, we must apply; 

Being willing is not enough, we must do. 


At the last but not least, my motto is

"Give your best and leave the rest" 




Shivendra Kumar Srivastava 


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P/O - BARHI KATNI - 483770
Contact : 7905265994, 9977762103
Email : dav_ktr2006@rediffmail.com
Web Site : www.davschoolkuteshwar.in

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